Aerobiologists analyse the variation of bioaerosols in the atmosphere over different locations and time periods. By participating in scientific projects and applying cutting-edge research, these experts contribute to innovations that advance the understanding of airborne allergens. This knowledge enables the provision of accurate and timely information on airborne allergen levels, supporting public health initiatives and enhancing individual well-being.
Ongoing Research Projects
EO4EU "AI-augmented ecosystem for Earth Observation data accessibility with Extended reality User Interfaces for Service and data exploitation"
EO4EU is an innovation project funded by the European Commission, aimed at creating an EO4EU platform to facilitate access to and use of Earth observation data. The platform is designed for forecasting and other applications for the environment, government and business. is powered by a consortium of 16 partners from 11 countries.
The EO4EU platform is available at and integrates major sources of Earth observation data such as DestinE, GEOSS, INSPIRE, Copernicus, Galileo, etc. It provides users with tools and services to locate, process, and utilise EO data efficiently.
Our team has joined this project, extending the capabilities of the PASYFO application. Through our collaboration with EO4EU, we are enriching the PASYFO products with new data, forecasts and timely information relevant to pollen allergy sufferers.
SYLVA "A SYstem for reaL-time obserVation of Aeroallergens"
SYLVA aims to improve the expression, coverage and accessibility of information on bioaerosols in Europe, focusing primarily on pollen and fungal spores. This initiative combines technological innovations with the co-development of new infrastructure, dissemination and use methods. Strong partnerships with stakeholders will ensure the uptake and sustainability of SYLVA’s technology beyond the project’s lifespan.
The objective will be achieved through the development and improvement of several areas:
- Developing cutting-edge tools for bioaerosol monitoring.
- Expanding the data infrastructure and software availability for bioaerosol monitoring, ensuring open source publication and integration into the European Environmental Observing System.
- Showcasing SYLVA’s impact across sectors such as climate, health, agriculture, forestry and environment to engage key stakeholders, maximise its impact and ensure the sustainability of observations.
- Ensuring the long-term sustainability of bioaerosol technology and infrastructure across Europe.