
Pollen Resilience Index Forecast

The Pollen Resilience Forecast Index is designed for individuals sensitive to pollen allergens and is modelled using forecast data on air quality, meteorological conditions, and pollen content in the air.

Pollen Resilience Index Forecast

Date and time

The Pollen Resilience Index has been developed for people who are sensitive to pollen allergens. It provides forecasts that allow any concerned person to assess the intensity of pollen exposure. The index is based on a comprehensive analysis of data on pollen concentration, pollen load thresholds, weather conditions and air pollutants that can exacerbate allergy symptoms. The Pollen Resilience Index is linked to specific locations and updated hourly, enabling users to identify health risks in advance and modify their activities accordingly. In addition to enabling individuals to make well-informed health decisions, the Pollen Resilience Index is a valuable tool for businesses in a variety of sectors, including tourism, recreation and outdoor events organisers, by enabling them to tailor their services to pollen load forecasts.

Developed as part of the EO4EU project, the index utilises cutting-edge Earth observation data from the EO4EU platform, integrating satellite information and advanced weather modelling to ensure accurate and timely forecasts. For those interested in the science behind this innovative tool, the algorithm is fully available on EO4EU platform.

Personalized Allergy Symptoms Forecasting System (PASYFO)
    CONTACTSŠiauliai Academy, Vilnius UniversityŠiauliai Academy, Vilnius UniversityP. Višinskio str. 25-115, Šiauliai, LithuaniaP. Višinskio str. 25-115, Šiauliai, Lithuania
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